
Sunday 19 October 2014

Last Friday US and Europe markets triggered the TA set up

Recent market, the strategy is to trade what you see and not what you think.  Watch for signal at level.  And remember I said that US and Europe showed buyers coming the next/next few candle(s) to confirm that.

Lets see did it confirm.  Let's look at 2 indexes for each market. 
DOW - two hammer candles at level and last Friday it triggered.  Whole day it went up 263 points or 1.63%.  Those who do intraday index future could have made money from 50 to 200 tics.  DJI 1 tics is U$5.

S&P - hammer followed by inside bar at level.  Same as DOW, last Friday, it triggered.  Whole day it went up 24 point or 1.29%

DAX - first candle showed seller weakness.  Then followed by a hammer.  Last Friday it triggered.  Whole day it went up 267 point or 3.12%.  Those who do intraday index future could have made 50 to 180 tics. DAX 0.5 tics is EUR12.50  Nevertheless one thing you might take note is below there is a FIBO 161.8%

CAC - it set up and triggered went exactly the same as DAX.  Seller weakness, hammer and Friday triggered. 

What to watch out next?  DOW, S&P and CAC are now at FIBO resistant level.  For them to go higher, they require to break those levels.  On the other hand, we will see a different story if they revert and break FIBO 100%.  So watch out on that. 

Last but not least- remember hard today market is mend for trade.  Before you enter a trade, make sure you know where is you cut loss level.

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